Review of Dermatology at a Glance, 2nd edn (MMU Chowdhury, RP Katugampola, AY Finlay) (2024)

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Volume 46 Issue 3 1 April 2021
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L. E. Glennon

Cumberland Infirmary Carlisle UK

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Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 46, Issue 3, 1 April 2021, Pages 559–560,


01 April 2021

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    L. E. Glennon, Review of Dermatology at a Glance, 2nd edn (MMU Chowdhury, RP Katugampola, AY Finlay), Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume 46, Issue 3, 1 April 2021, Pages 559–560,





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Conflict of interest: the authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

I am a recently graduated medical student, soon to begin Foundation Year 1, with an interest in dermatology. The book I am reviewing is Dermatology at a Glance by Mahbub M. U. Chowdhury, Ruwani P. Katugampola and Andrew Y. Finlay, which is immediately recognized by its cover as a dermatology‐related book. The authors’ credentials are exceptional: both Dr Chowdhury and Dr Katugampola are involved in medical education and training at Cardiff University, with published articles and book chapters; Dr Chowdhury was the Academic Vice President of the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and Chair of the BAD Education Subcommittee; and Professor Finlay was Head of the Academic Dermatology department at Cardiff University and was President of the BAD. Two of the three contributing authors are Consultant Dermatologists, also from Cardiff and the third is a Speciality Doctor in Dermatology in Newport, all well qualified in dermatology.

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Correspondence Viewpoints in dermatology

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As a recently graduated medical student with a keen interest in dermatology, I bring a fresh perspective to the review of the article titled "Review of Dermatology at a Glance, 2nd edn (MMU Chowdhury, RP Katugampola, AY Finlay)" published in the Clinical and Experimental Dermatology journal (Volume 46, Issue 3, 1 April 2021).

The article discusses the second edition of the book "Dermatology at a Glance" authored by Mahbub M. U. Chowdhury, Ruwani P. Katugampola, and Andrew Y. Finlay. I'd like to highlight the credibility of the authors, which undoubtedly contributes to the reliability of the information presented. Dr. Chowdhury and Dr. Katugampola, both involved in medical education and training at Cardiff University, bring a wealth of experience to the table. Dr. Chowdhury's role as the Academic Vice President of the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and Chair of the BAD Education Subcommittee further solidifies his expertise. Additionally, Professor Finlay, the Head of the Academic Dermatology department at Cardiff University and former President of the BAD, adds a high level of authority to the book.

Two of the three contributing authors are Consultant Dermatologists from Cardiff, while the third is a Speciality Doctor in Dermatology in Newport—positions that are highly qualified in the field of dermatology. This diversity in expertise enhances the comprehensiveness of the book, ensuring that it caters to a broad audience, from medical students to experienced dermatologists.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Dermatology at a Glance (2nd edn): This is the book under review, authored by MMU Chowdhury, RP Katugampola, and AY Finlay. It's recognized as a dermatology-related book, and its cover serves as an immediate identifier of its focus.

  2. Authors' Credentials: The authors, Dr. Chowdhury, Dr. Katugampola, and Professor Finlay, are well-established in the field of dermatology. Their roles in medical education, leadership positions in the British Association of Dermatologists, and extensive publication records showcase their expertise.

  3. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Journal: The article is published in Volume 46, Issue 3, dated 1 April 2021, of this journal. The journal is a reputable source for dermatological research and publications.

  4. Conflict of Interest: The article mentions that the authors declare no conflicts of interest, highlighting the integrity of the review.

  5. Access to the Article: The article mentions access options, including institutional access, library card access, and personal account access through Oxford Academic.

  6. Metrics and Citations: The article provides metrics such as total views, pageviews, and PDF downloads, showcasing the impact and reach of the review. Additionally, it mentions citations and altmetrics.

  7. Additional Content: The article includes supplementary data, figures, tables, and options for video and audio content, enhancing the reader's understanding and engagement.

In conclusion, the review of "Dermatology at a Glance" in the Clinical and Experimental Dermatology journal is a valuable resource for individuals interested in dermatology. The book's authors' credentials, the reputable journal, and the comprehensive content of the review collectively contribute to the reliability and significance of the information presented.

Review of Dermatology at a Glance, 2nd edn (MMU Chowdhury, RP Katugampola, AY Finlay) (2024)
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